Please ensure all your child’s belongings are labelled with their name.

Kit list

  • Water bottle

  • lunch bag with a freezer block to keep food cool and fresh

  • Spare clothes (especially if toilet training)

  • Nappies, wipes and nappy sacks if required

  • Wellies

  • Winter: waterproof coat & spare trousers

  • Summer: Sun hat and sun cream

Healthy eating/Packed lunch

We ask that you provide your child with a healthy and balanced packed lunch that includes;

  • a savoury sandwich or equivalent such as sausage roll, wrap or crackers.

  • at least one piece of fresh fruit or vegetables.

  • yoghurt, jelly or small desert

  • a small treat such as a small packet of crisps or a small chocolate biscuit or a homemade cake as we understand that children do need some sugar for energy and as well as small reward for eating well.

Unfortunately, extra treats such as packets of biscuits, sweets, chocolates bars or lolly pops will be sent home for your child to enjoy later.

If you would like some different ideas of what to provide your child with for lunch, please ask a member of staff or visit

Please can you include an ice pack or block in your child’s lunch bag to keep their lunch cool and fresh.


A reminder that grapes, cherry tomatoes should be cut in half and sausages should be cut lengthwise as they can be choked on. Other foods that are smooth or slippery, that can slide down the throat before chewing, such as: cherries, berries, melon or whole pieces of canned fruit should also be sliced in half, or for smaller children, they should be cut again into quarters.

At preschool we are committed to promoting and encouraging healthy eating as recommended in our previous Ofsted report. We were praised for our improvements in this area on our last inspection and wish to maintain this standard.

Snacks for break times

Please provide something extra in your child’s lunch bag for their morning and afternoon break.

This could be a small banana or small box of chopped fruit. A cracker or small savoury sandwich could also accompany the fruit as the children seem to get hungry especially after exercise.

We continue to offer milk or water for your child to drink.

Water bottles

It is very important for your child to drink plenty of water especially in warm weather.

Please can you provide your child with a drinking bottle that can be kept at preschool.

These will be filled with fresh water on their session day. Children are then encouraged to access their water bottles throughout the day to keep hydrated. The bottles are cleaned daily, sterilised and checked for any damage and stored in our kitchen area.

In the Early Years, outdoor learning plays a key role in the curriculum and the children have the opportunity to spend time outdoors whatever the weather.

Children can bring in a small bag with spares clothes, slipper and boots. This bag can be left at preschool and returned to be refilled if needed.

As autumn/winter approaches can you please provide your child with appropriate clothing for the weather, for example; a rain coat, jumper, wellington boots and some indoor shoes/slippers. We encourage children to have indoor shoes to keep their feet safe and it helps to keep our preschool room clean.

During the summer, please ensure that your child has a named sun hat and apply sun cream prior to arriving at preschool. If your child is sensitive to sun cream, can you supply a thin long-sleeved t-shirt. Safe footwear should be worn as we discourage flip flops or open toed shoes for safety reasons.

Wellington boots can be left at preschool; children can enjoy exploring the digging area and we hope go on nature walks were possible.

Appropriate clothing

A message from our community nurse


It’s really important that children continue to receive their booster vaccines and MMR vaccine. They are also entitled to the Flu Nasal spray

For more details see the links below

Pre-school immunisations - a guide to vaccinations (

Vaccinations & immunisations | Toddler | Start for Life (